フラセル ソプラノ 19万7千 ブラックラッカー
I have received a couple of comments regarding the black lacquer finish of this horn. I will share the facts as I know them regarding this. This sax was made and sold by Selmer in 1972. The owner I bought it from acquired it in 1978, and it was exactly as you see it now. He was told by the original owner that it was a special order from Selmer. Black lacquer involves 2-3 additional coats of lacquer on the horn- that is what warms the tone of the horn. Since the simplest explanation is usually the true one, I conclude that this was in fact a special order from Selmer. At that time, they did not mass-produce black horns, so they simply took a standard gold horn, added the extra coats of black lacquer, and then did the engraving. This also makes sense, as the engraving is the same exact engraving you see on the Series I and Series II sopranos that followed the Mark VI. Even if the original owner took this horn to Selmer sometime between 1972 and 1978 to make it a black horn, it would not have been "relacquered". They simply would have added the black lacquer. So I can confidently conclude that this horn has its original lacquer.
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